We are Holly and Corinna and we are passionate about coaching and helping individuals like you transform their lives. With our unique backgrounds and expertise, we offer a holistic and unique approach to personal and professional development.

But it's not just our professional qualifications that make us stand out. We share a genuine love for stationery, true crime, coffee, reading, and writing, which fuels our creativity and connects us to our clients on a personal level.

Whether you're ready to reset your life, embrace change, or unlock your true potential, we are here to support you every step of the way. Together, let's make your future happen. Join us on this transformative journey and let's create the life you've always dreamed of.

We are here to show you how to identify and implement a way of life that works for you, to boost your wellbeing, set goals and start getting stuff done.

Been there, done that, got the t-shirt!

You have a head full of ideas, goals, to-do lists. You are pulled in several different directions all at once and none of them help you tick off what you want to do. You end up putting yourself and your life on the back burner.

You struggle to balance your desire for looking after yourself and going after what you what from life with other peoples’ priorities and your responsibilities.

You find yourself overthinking every decision so you’re left not sure which path to take next.

You’re not making the progress you want and are feeling isolated, frustrated and discouraged.

Sound familiar?

What if it could be different?

What if you could finally turn your to-do lists, wishes & dreams into achievable actions, make consistent progress and create long-lasting change without feeling guilty for prioritising yourself and your wellbeing?

Learn how to:

  • be clear in what you want and how to get it

  • create doable steps that are relevant for you and your circumstances

  • regain momentum when motivation has gone

  • implement habits that work for you

  • make effective and lasting change

  • focus and stop procrastinating

  • improve your wellbeing

  • feel in control

  • have a balanced life

  • feel like yourself again

Would any of these help you?

If any of the above resonated with you, then this membership is your new best friend.

When we’ve forgotten who we were, our to-do lists just get longer and our dreams seem further away than ever, what we need are some realistic, practical tips and strategies that we can implement to help us get back on track.

We need like minded people around us who understand the struggles and problems we face and who can give us a supportive ear when things aren’t going to plan and cheer us on when things go right.

This is what The Coaching Circle gives you.

We’ll show you how to:

reconnect with the person you are

As we go through life, it’s easy to lose touch with who we are at our core. We’re so busy putting other people first and ourselves on the back burners that we forget what we enjoy doing for ourselves, what motivates us to get things done. We end up feeling burnt out, disconnected and resentful. But no more!

Reconnecting with who you are helps you understand your values, beliefs, strengths and passions. This promotes self-acceptance and genuine relationships with others.

identify the dreams and goals that really matter

This brings you clarity and focus. It helps you prioritise your time, energy, and resources towards what is truly important to you. Without a clear sense of direction, it's easy to get lost or caught up in pursuing things that don't fit with your values and aspirations, meaning you are more likely to end up putting what you want to do last.

Your strong underlying purpose can help you find alternative solutions, learn from failures, and keep going despite difficulties.

find the why behind the goals

This is always a biggie - knowing the why can help us reconnect with the purpose and can help us regain our momentum if motivation goes AWOL.

It acts as a constant reminder of why your goals matter to you and can help you stay focused and dedicated to achieving them.

When faced with choices or distractions, understanding your "why" can guide you in making choices that are consistent with your values and long-term vision.

discover more about how your brain operates at its best

Each individual's brain has unique strengths, weaknesses, and preferences in terms of learning, problem-solving, decision-making, and creativity. By identifying your cognitive patterns and preferences, you can tailor your approach to tasks and activities, allowing you to work at your highest level of performance.

You enhance learning efficiency, increase productivity and focus, improve problem-solving abilities, support emotional well-being, and foster self-awareness and growth.

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