Are you ready to break free from the cycle of self-doubt, procrastination and unfulfilled potential?

Life can become overwhelming, and it's easy to lose sight of your goals. Before joining us, many of our members were at a crossroads, searching for clarity and struggling to make progress.

Through the membership they have found greater balance, enhanced well-being and a newfound sense of control in their life.

Are you ready to say goodbye to feeling lost and overwhelmed? Then it's time to embrace your full potential.

Who is the Full Membership for?

We understand that everyone's journey is unique, and that's why our program is designed to meet you wherever you are. Whether you're seeking clarity, striving to make progress, or aiming to master your inner strengths, our experienced coaches are here to guide you.

It's perfect for those who are ready to discover the transformative power of self-growth and personal exploration, with the added benefit of a supportive community within the 'Inspire and Ignite' framework. While much of the work is done individually, this community will still be your guiding light and safe haven, propelling you toward meaningful change. You'll not only reap the personal benefits but also experience remarkable shifts and emotions that will leave you feeling inspired and confident. The 'Inspire and Ignite' community offers both guidance and solitude, a unique blend for your growth.

Our work together is based on our 'Inspire & Ignite' programme to help you discover your authentic self, cultivate confidence and create lasting change. This is an opportunity to break free from self-doubt, set clear intentions, and design a life aligned with your vision. It's a journey to transform your life in the way that matters most to you.

When you join us, you'll access a wealth of free resources, a supportive community, and the guidance of our experienced coaches. Unleash your potential and take control of your life. Join the 'Inspire & Ignite' framework today, and let's set your journey ablaze."

Introducing our ‘Inspire & Ignite’ programme

Our Inspire & Ignite programme is your path to self-discovery and personal growth. What makes this framework special is the balance it strikes between doing your own deep dive into personal development and having a group of like-minded folks cheering you on. It's about finding your inner strengths, aligning your actions with what truly matters to you, and achieving your life goals. You'll grow more self-aware and resilient, and while much of the work is on your own, you're never alone. You're part of a supportive community that offers motivation and shared inspiration. It's a journey where you get to be you, but you're not going it alone."

What’s included?

  • Weekly goal setting: Rediscover your direction and harness the power of clear goals.

  • Accountability: You're not alone on this path. We're your unwavering support system.

  • Check-ins: Overcome the obstacles that have been holding you back.

  • Celebrations: Recognise your achievements and celebrate your successes.

  • Shared learnings: Benefit from the wisdom of a supportive community.

  • Monthly topics: Dive deep into productivity, planning, goal setting, and personal growth.

  • Weekly virtual co-working: Boost your productivity with focused sessions.

  • Group coaching: Get personalised guidance on each month's topic and learn from others.

  • Q&A opportunities: Have your burning questions answered by our experienced coaches.

  • FREE resources: Access a wealth of materials to inspire, motivate, and achieve your goals.

  • Private Facebook community: Join a supportive community for sharing successes and overcoming hurdles.

All this and more for just £25 per month.

Or £275 per year (12months for the price of 11months).

Self-discovery & assessment

We begin our journey with self-discovery and assessment. Utilising tools like the Wheel of Life and mind maps, we delve into the various aspects of your life.

Through deep self-reflection techniques, journaling prompts and meditation, you'll connect with your inner self.

The practice of mindfulness enhances your self-awareness, enabling you to identify strengths, talents and core values.

Aligning actions with these values will lay the foundation for a more fulfilled life.

Building on your intentions, this stage focuses on cultivating personal growth foundations. We explore habits, motivation and energy management, using evidence-based strategies.

The establishment of healthy boundaries contributes to your overall well-being and resilience. Positive psychology principles are employed to enhance positive emotions and well-being.

Embracing change and adapting to transitions are key aspects of this stage, preparing you to navigate challenges with a growth-orientated mindset.

Personal Growth Foundations

Inner exploration & identity

Delving into the depths of your identity, this stage involves authentic self-exploration. We emphasise embracing vulnerability as a catalyst for self-connection and growth.

You'll uncover hidden passions and explore new avenues, fostering self-identity and fulfilment. By addressing suppressed emotions and self-narratives, you'll create a more complete self-concept.

Cultural identity is explored in the context of personal growth, and you'll learn to shape your narrative to enhance self-awareness.

Self-confidence & resilience

Confidence and resilience take centre stage as we empower your inner self. We delve into the science of cognitive restructuring, addressing limiting beliefs with empowering thoughts.

Embracing failure as a part of growth, you'll cultivate a resilient mindset. Practical techniques for emotional regulation and coping skills are introduced, enhancing emotional strength.

Through self-care practices, mindfulness and self-esteem cultivation, you'll build a foundation of inner fortitude.

Connections & Communication

We bring into focus nurturing connections and effective communication. We explore active listening, empath, and conflict resolution strategies grounded in communication science.

The value of positive interactions, gratitude and healthy relationships is emphasised. Self-compassion plays a role in fostering authentic connections and you'll learn to communicate needs effectively while maintaining boundaries.

These skills contribute to your ability to build and sustain meaningful relationships.

Thriving in your environment

We'll explore the impact of nature on mental and emotional well-being, supported by scientific research. Intentional design principles for personal spaces are introduced, optimising surroundings for relaxation and inspiration.

Ergonomics and organisation are discussed for creating efficient workspaces. The concept of decluttering is explored in the context of mental clarity.

This stage empowers you to align your environment with your personal growth journey.

What our members say…

“I very much enjoy this type of coaching, as it is so helpful, yet not overwhelming for me. Thanks so much to them both!”

“I would wholeheartedly recommend joining The Coaching Circle to anyone who wants to take positive small steps towards a happier life.”

“The added benefit of The Coaching Circle is the networking and contacts that you are able to make with like minded people. "

“Amazing, affordable and personalised coaching. Highly recommended!”

“I have found being part of The Coaching Circle so helpful, the accountability and regular check ins have helped me stay motivated and the advice and tips from Holly and Corinna have been invaluable in helping me have a real, positive shift in my mindset.”